ABC's (Arts, Crafts and Baking)
NLS ABC's (arts, crafts, and Baking) are offered throughout the year and the summer!CategoryView more info -
Additional Recreation Courses
We offer a variety of recreational programming through community education in the summer and throughout the school year at NLS!CategoryView more info -
Adult Basic Education (ABE)
If you are looking for free online and personal classes for English Prep, Basic Computer Skills and English, please contact our consortium. They can be reached via email: adulteducation@willmar.k12.mn.us or by phone: 320-231-8480. The goal of the Glacial Lakes Consortium and our partnership with them at NLS is to engage, equip and empower.CategoryView more info -
We offer baseball through community education and recreation in the summer months!CategoryView more info -
At NLS we offer basketball programs throughout the school year and the summer!CategoryView more info -
Behind the Wheel
Behind the Wheel Instruction for obtaining your Driver’s License If you took the driver's ed classroom thru New London-Spicer you are automatically registered for behind the wheel instruction. If you did not take the classroom portion through NL-S you must register to be on the call list. Contact the Community Ed Office at 320-354-1406 to find out what is needed to register. Once you register we will call close to your 16th birthday to complete this portion of training before your driving test. Students who take the Classroom at NLS (automatically registered) **Registration Fee: $20 (included in classroom fee) with balance of $260 when instruction starts. Students with certificate of completion/Non NLS Classroom Students **Non NLS Classroom Students Registration Fee: $50 with balance of $300 due when instruction starts. **Registration Fees are Non-Refundable We encourage students to drive several hours per week with their parents to make them more comfortable behind the wheel.CategoryView more info -
ECFE stands for Early Childhood Family Education. Our program, offered by the Minnesota public school districts, serves families with children from birth to five years of age. Our mission is to enhance the ability of all parents and other family members to provide the best possible environment for their child’s learning and growth. At ECFE, you can expect to meet caring instructors whose sole job is to support you in your role as a parent and as your child’s first teacher. You will also meet other parents of toddlers and preschoolers who share some of the very same joys and frustrations of parenting as you do.CategoryView more info -
Drivers Education, both classroom and behind the wheel are conducted through the Community Education/Youth Service Office at NLS.CategoryView more info -
Driver's Education
At NLS we offer both Driver's Training Classroom (For MN Drivers Permit/License) and Behind the Wheel Training throughout the school year and summer.CategoryView more info -
Early Childhood Family Education (ECFE)
At ECFE, you can expect to meet caring instructors whose sole job is to support you in your role as a parent and as your child’s first teacher. You will also meet other parents of toddlers and preschoolers who share some of the very same joys and frustrations of parenting as you do.CategoryView more info -
Adult Enrichment classes at NLS include, but are not limited to, arts, theatre, cooking, CPR/First Aid/AED training and bus trips!CategoryView more info -
NLS Enrichment classes are offered throughout the year for kids K-12th grade.CategoryView more info -
At NLS we offer football camps in the summer and we have programming for 1st-6th graders in the summer!CategoryView more info -
At NLS we offer gymnastics courses for beginner, intermediate and advanced athletes throughout the school year and the summer!CategoryView more info -
Pepsi League
This is an annual "Invitational" league only. No teams register without prior approval. Coaches are responsible for their team rosters. Contact Tricia Lilleberg or Lee Gauer for more information. Bernick's Pepsi/Q102 game shirts are provided and required for all games. No games on Wednesday, July 2nd, 2025.CategoryView more info -
Performing Arts Center (PAC)
Our Performing Arts Center seats 650 people. It houses an orchestra pit, a state of the art sound/lighting system, a combination of 32 electric and manual operation stations, a 50 foot fly loft, a green room, large make-up/dressing room(s), a set design workshop, and features a custom-designed, removable orchestra shell. Our spacious lobby has a ticket booth and mounted monitors for our guests' viewing pleasure.CategoryView more info -
Prairie Woods Environmental Learning Center (PWELC)
Throughout the school year and summer, NLS partners with Prairie Woods Environmental Learning Center to bring you exceptional offsite programming. Please note that transportation is not provided to PWELC in the summer and only to PWELC in the school year.CategoryView more info -
Pre-K Classes
This is your quick link to finding Pre-K community education summer recreation programming!CategoryView more info -
NLS Community Education offers many STEM classes throughout the school year and summer for our K-6th grade students!CategoryView more info -
Ski Club
6 Week Package Option Available Member, Lift, Ski Rental & Bus Member, Lift, Snowboard & Bus Member Lift & Bus ** Helmet rental available for the season - Class Code 23Helmet6 **Lessons for first 3 weeks of Ski Club also available - Class Code 23SkiLess6 6 Week Membership Package plus Bonus Week (Bonus Week Feb 9th) Package may be subject to change based on current COVID19 requirements – full refunds may not be available Please click here and fill out and return the attachment to complete your registration for Ski Club. Please click here for Powder Ridge Ski release form or click here for Snowboard release form Form must be returned to the Community Ed Office before December 1st to attend Ski Club on Friday, December 8th. **NLS Ski Club Memberships that include equipment rental — your equipment rental is good for the entire Powder Ridge ski season (lift ticket is not included on non-ski club dates) Fridays in 2023/2024 -- December 8th, 15th, January 5,19, 26, February 2 Bonus week: Feb 9th Rental Equipment -- the rental package purchased in the 6x program will be a seasonal rental. All 6x renters will receive Free Rentals anytime they are at Powder Ridge. Free rental will begin AFTER the first trip date. (A $10 fee will be charged to anyone wanting to change their equipment from a ski package to snowboard package for vice versa or for losing their rental card.) Participants may forget their rental card TWICE during the season. After the second time, the participant must have a new card printed. TIMES for ALL Packages: Check in 7:50-8:10am each week HS Student Center Lobby **3:05-3:20pm Load Bus at HS Gym Doors (Distance Learners report directly to buses upon arrival) **9:30pm Return to HS Gym Doors · WALK ONS: May NOT be available this year – dependent on bussing numbers Rules of the Club · Students grades 5-12 · NO changing of packages once purchased · Memberships are not transferable or refundable (written note required if injury related) · NO students are allowed to drive. Everyone MUST ride the bus to and from Powder Ridge (unless written notice is received for student to ride with a parent) · Students must be picked up by 9:45pm at HS Gym Doors (If student is not picked up they will not be able to attend the next week.) · This is a school function—all participants must adhere to the no tobacco or alcohol policies NLS reserves the right to refuse anyone the right to participate with the club. Removal from the club will result due to behavior problems, not following NLS Code of Conduct, removal from school, smoking, alcohol, drugs, or leaving the premises. Parents will be asked to pick students up at Kimball and no refunds will be given for missed evenings.CategoryView more info -
Special Events
Throughout the school year, we offer special events through ECFE or our Preschool.CategoryView more info -
Stop By and Play
Do your kids need to burn off some energy? Join us for some play time in the gym. The gym at Prairie Meadows will be open from 9:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. on Fridays when school is in session (gym will be closed when there is no school). Children must be supervised by a parent/adult at all times. Gym toys are provided.CategoryView more info